No Wild Cow Milking, Generic Pesticides and More

No Milking Wild Cows

No Wild Cow Milking in California

A proposed ordinance in Alameda County, California aimed at rodeo events was mostly voted down, although an amended version was passed which will ban the “wild cow milking” event that is popular at ranch rodeos. The original language of the ordinance proposed a ban on much of the equipment used at rodeos, including ropes, spurs, and straps:

“Prohibition of specified devices for equine, bovine, and ovine animals. No person shall conduct roping of any equine (including but not limited to any horse, mare, pony, ass, donkey, burro, mule, or hinny), bovine (including but not limited to any steer, calf, bull, ox, heifer or cow), or ovine (sheep) animal in any entertainment or sporting event, including a rodeo or practice for a rodeo, with the exception of breakaway roping, where the animal is released immediately after it is roped without the animal being subjected to a sudden stop or fall. No person shall use spurs or bucking straps upon any animal during any entertainment or sporting event, including during a rodeo or practice for a rodeo.”

Several Ag groups successfully opposed the ordinance, including Protect the Harvest, a national non-profit organization founded by Forrest Lucas to defend farmers and ranchers and preserve agricultural interests against radical animal rights activists. Other Ag supporters appeared before the County’s Board Supervisors to explain actual livestock production practices and explain the animal welfare practices used within the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA). You can read more on DTN Progressive Farmer here.

FTC Suing for Better Access to Generic Pesticides

The Federal Trade Commission, along with 10 State Attorney Generals, filed a federal lawsuit in North Carolina against Syngenta and Corteva this week, alleging that the companies are blocking access to off-patent, generic pesticides through the use of distributor loyalty programs. According to the FTC’s news release, distributors for the companies “only get paid if they limit business with competing manufacturers.” The result is that Syngenta and Corteva can continue to charge inflated prices for off-patent products which are passed on to farmers and ranchers. The active ingredients that are targeted by the lawsuit include the fungicide azoxystrobin; the herbicides mesotrione, metolachlor, rimsulfuron, and acetochlor; and the insecticide oxamyl. States joining in the suit include California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oregon, Texas and Wisconsin.

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